MedSci 2016 Programme at a glance

Monday 29th August 2016



6.00 pm - 6.30 pm

Opening: Peter Shepherd, Queenstown Research Week Chair

6.30 pm - 8.00 pm

QRW Lecture: Professor John Gurdon (Nobel Laureate) �Title TBA�

8.00 pm

QRW Social


Tuesday 30th August 2016 - Societies Day

9.00 am - 10.00 am

MedSci Plenary Lecture: David Eisner, The University of Manchester, UK, �Calcium in the heart in health and disease�

10.00 am - 10.30 am

Morning Tea

10.30 am - 12.30 pm

Session 1A

Free communications

Session 1B

Biomed Tech Prize Finalists and Free Communications

Session 1C

Free communications

12.30 pm - 1.30 pm


1.30 pm - 3.30 pm

Session 2A

Free communications

Session 2B

Free communications

Session 2C

Free communications

3.30 pm - 4.00 pm

Afternoon Tea

4.00 pm - 6.00 pm

Session 3A

Free communications

Session 3B

Free communications

Session 3C

Free communications

6.00 pm - 7.30 pm

Combined MedSci & QMB Poster Session + Mixer


Wednesday 31st August 2016 - Symposia Day

9.00 am - 10.00 am

MedSci Plenary Lecture: Javier Stern, Augusta University, USA, �Synaptic and non-synaptic mechanisms regulate autonomic-neuroendocrine integration in the hypothalamus�

10.00 am - 10.30 am

Morning Tea

10.30 am - 12.30 pm

Symposium 1A (PSNZ) - Stress responses in cardiac and skeletal muscle

Prof Roberta Gottlieb (USA) - Mitochondrial turnover & cardioprotection

Prof Lea Delbridge (AUS) - Paradoxical cardiac responses to metabolic stress

Dr Rajesh Katare (NZ)- The role of beclin1 in the diabetic heart

Dr Troy Merry (NZ) - ROS and metabolic signalling in skeletal muscle

Symposium 1B (CNE) - Neurosecretion: the bigger picture

Prof Paul Le Tissier (UK) - Neurosecretion and novel mechanisms for its in vivo measurement

Professor Peter Thorn (AUS) - Neurosecretion from pancreatic beta cells

Dr Brie Sorrenson (NZ) - New observations on neurosecretion from pancreatic beta-cells

A/Prof Stephen Bunn (NZ) - Neurosecretion from adrenal chromaffin cells

Dr Merja Joensuu (AUS) - Single vesicle tracking by nanoscale topographic imaging

12.30 pm - 1.30 pm

Lunch and MedSci AGM


1.30 pm - 3.30 pm

Symposium 2A (PSNZ) - Interventional approaches targeting the sympathetic nerves in cardiovascular disease

A/Prof Ivan Sammut (NZ) - Renal denervation in diabetes

Dr Maximilian Pinkham (NZ) - Heart Failure: are women less sympathetic than males?

Dr Lindsea Booth (AUS) - Re-innervation of renal nerves after catheter based denervation

Dr David Jardine (NZ) - TBA

Symposium 2B (IBT) - Respiratory Diagnostics and Therapies

Prof Jason Bates (USA) - Mechanical ventilation and acute lung injury

Prof Frank Bloomfield (NZ) - Gas flows and lung injury in ventilated preterm babies

Prof Paul Young (AUS) - Innovative Devices and Therapies for Respiratory Diseases

Dr Stanislav Tatkov (NZ) - Respiratory Therapy with Nasal High Flow

3.30 pm - 4.00 pm

Afternoon Tea


4.00 pm - 6.00 pm

Symposium 3A (ABI) - State-of-the-art computational modelling tools developed to solve physiology problems

Professor Edmund Crampin (AUS) - System Biology

Dr Vijay Rajagopal (AUS) - 3D cell imaging

Dr Alys Clark (NZ) - Computer modelling of placenta

A/Prof Thor Besier (NZ) - Modelling musculoskeletal system

Symposium 3B (NZSE) - Female reproduction: control of oocyte development and ovulation

Dr Karla Hutt (AUS) - Mechanisms of quality control in the female germ line

Dr Michael Pankhurst (NZ) - Transgenic overexpression of AMH reduces female fertility

A/Prof Rebecca Robker (AUS) - Impact of obesity on female fertility and offspring mitochondrial inheritance

Dr Jenny Juengel (NZ) - Reproductive characteristics of sheep with mutations in the leptin receptor

6.00 pm



6.00 pm


7.00 pm

Combined MedSci & QMB Dinner + Prize-giving