Australasian Winter Conference on Brain Research
29 –
31 August 2021
We warmly welcome you to AWCBR 2021; this conference is New Zealand's premier annual Neuroscience
conference attracting delegates from all over New Zealand and beyond. We would love you to join us for
three days of world-class and varied Neuroscience.
The meeting will be held at the Crowne Plaza hotel in Queenstown
Conference Registration
Early bird Student - $195 Student $280
Early bird Delegate - $395 Delegate - $450
Conference Dinner – Skyline Restaurant
Delegate $120 Student $75
We encourage all participants to present a paper at the meeting. The abstracts of the conference
will be subject to review and published in the Proceedings of the International Australasian
Winter Conference on Brain Research. Please make your abstracts as complete as possible,
including a full description of the experimental results, while adhering to the word limit.
Abstracts should contain a statement of the problem, brief methods, clear results, and a
statement of the conclusions or significance of the findings. Unacceptable abstracts will be
returned to the authors, who will be asked to submit a revised abstract. Note: Only one abstract
is permitted per presenter.
prepare your abstract using the template file attached
here, and remember to answer the questions at the end of the file! These help us to
ensure we assign your work to the correct theme
NOTE: Please disregard any information on the University of Otago AWCBR website as this
is currently being decommissioned and a new website will be created soon.
AWCBR Organising Committee
Chair: Ruth Empson
Deputy: Stephanie Hughes
Treasurer: Joanne Lin
Secretary: Simon O’Carroll
Programme – Rebekah Blakemore
Editor – Kristin Hillman
Publicity – Simon O’Carroll
Auckland Rep – Ian Kirk
Canterbury Rep – John Dalrymple-Alford
Wellington Rep and Social Events – Sue Schenk
Postdoctoral rep – Kyla Horne
Student reps – vacant
Past Chair – Johanna Montgomery
Key Dates:
Monday 19 July, 2021
QRW Earlybird Registration Deadline
Thursday 1 July, 2021
QRW Abstract Submission Deadline
Monday 19 July, 2021
AWCBR Early Bird Registration. NOTE: Abstract Submission Deadline
30th May.
Friday 16 July, 2021
Major Awards Application Deadline
QRW Updates: