QMB Drug Discovery Satellite in Shanghai
22-23 March 2018
For the last 4 years QMB has collaborated with the Chinese National Compound Screening Library to help organise a drug discovery focussed meeting held in Shanghai. Its an excellent meeting with a high level international speaker list including Nobel prize winners plus a who's who of Chinese drug discovery attending. Our collaboration means New Zealand speakers get a particularly high profile and we encourage other New Zealand scientists to submit their work to the meeting.
For details see http://en.cncl.org.cn/2681/55149/135755.shtml
Or click here http://en.cncl.org.cn/2681/55149/135755.shtml
Key Dates:
Friday 19 July, 2019
QRW Earlybird Registration Deadline
Friday 19 July, 2019
QRW Abstract Submission Deadline
Friday 19 July, 2019
AWCBR Early Bird Registration. NOTE: Abstract Submission Deadline
12th July.
Friday 26 July, 2019
Major Awards Application Deadline
QRW Updates: