Tātai Oranga: Joining forces to tackle metabolic diseases

This meeting was held at Waipiro Bay and Gisborne in association with Ngāti Porou Hauora on 4,5,6 April 2018

The meeting combined the expertise of the community, clinicians and scientists seeking to tackle the epidemic of metabolic diseases, type-2 diabetes, kidney and heart disease and gout with a particular focus on the impact these diseases are having on Māori and Pacific communities. Guest speakers included:

Prof. Jose Florez from Harvard University, whose research focuses on how gene variants affect the efficacy of drugs.https://www.broadinstitute.org/bios/jose-florez

Dr Giles Yeo from Cambridge University researching the genetics of metabolic diseases and who is also a presenter on the renowned BBC TV show “Trust Me I’m a Doctor”. http://www.mrl.ims.cam.ac.uk/research/principal-investigators/giles-yeo/

Dr Joseph Yracheta, a researcher affiliated with the University of Washington who investigates the impact of genetics in indigenous communities in America. http://washington.academia.edu/JosephYracheta

Teepa Wawatai, Chair of the Ngati Porou Hauora Charitable Trust (NPH). Since its inception, NPH has been actively involved in research partnerships and projects guided by the Board’s research policy and procedures. NPH is now developing both a research centre and a new model for delivering its clinical services, in pursuit of whanau engaged in living longer. http://www.ngatiporou.com/article/ng%C4%81ti-porou-hauora-joint-health-research-centre-maurice-wilkins-centre

Dr Lance O’Sullivan, a GP from the Moko Foundation in Kaitaia, is developing innovative approaches to delivering primary healthcare in rural under-served communities. http://www.themokofoundation.com/516373/

In association with Ngati Porou Hauora

NPH thin

Venue on 4. 5 April - Iritekura Marae at Waipiro Bay


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