QMB Satellite


3-4 Sept 2017

Rydges Hotel, Queenstown

(See full programme on drop down side bar)


Barry Scott (Massey University, Palmerston North),
Peter Solomon (ANU, Canberra),
Carl Mesarich (Massey University),
Matt Templeton (Plant and Food Research).

The main objective of this meeting is to bring together scientists with an interest in the genetics and molecular basis of plant-microbe interactions from New Zealand and Australia. The annual Mt Stromlo Molecular Plant Pathology meeting will not be held in 2017 to encourage Australian researchers to make the journey across the Tasman to participate in the Queenstown meeting. We are grateful for sponsorship from The British Society of Plant Pathology.

The meeting will bring together around 120 researchers in the magnificent venue of Queenstown to present and engage in exciting top-level science on this topic. We have a good mixture of international and local speakers at various stages of their careers. Besides those listed below some slots will be reserved to select additional speakers from the pro-offered abstracts. In addition a selection of 5 min snapshot talks from students will be invited from the poster session to be held on the evening of 3rd September.

Confirmed speakers:

Plant-Fungal Interactions:
Sarah Gurr (University of Exeter, UK)
Günther Doehlemann (Univ of Köln, Germany)
Jonathan Anderson (CSIRO, Perth, Australia)
Carolyn Young (Noble Research Institute, USA)

Plant-Bacterial Interactions
James Alfano (University of Nebraska, USA)
Nijat Imin (University of Auckland, NZ)
John Sullivan (University of Otago, NZ)

Fungal-Bacterial Interactions
Dr Joe Spraker

Plant-Oomycete Interactions
Paul Birch (James Hutton, Dundee, Scotland)
Rosie Bradshaw (Massey University, NZ)

Genomes and Genomics
Diane Saunders (Earlham Institute, Norwich, UK)
Jana Sperschneider (CSIRO, Australia)
David Winter (Massey University)
James Hane (Curtin University, Perth, Australia)

Plant Immunity
John Rathjen (ANU, Australia)
Simon Williams (ANU, Australia)

Plant-Microbe Interactions
Uta Paszkowski (University of Cambridge, UK)
Alga Zucarro (University of Koln, Germany)

Population Genetics
Megan McDonald (ANU, Australia)
Honour McCann (Massey University, NZ)

Cell Biology
Gero Steinberg (University of Exeter, UK)

Key Dates:
1 May 2015
Early Bird Registration Open
1 Aug 2015
Registration Close
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