QMB Satellite
3rd-4th September 2017
Rydges Hotel, Queenstown
(See full programme on drop down side bar)
Head of organising committee:
Rebecca Campbell (University of Otago)
Organising committee:
Andrew Shelling (University of Auckland)
Lynsey Cree (University of Auckland)
Michael Pankhurst
(University of Otago)
Cynthia Farquar ( (University of Auckland, Fertility Plus)
Janet Pitman
(Victoria University of Wellington)
Dave Grattan (University of Otago)
We are aiming with this 2-day satellite to provide 1) a forum where New Zealand researchers are exposed to leading thinkers in reproductive biology research and 2) an opportunity for our established and emerging researchers, including students and postdoctoral fellows, to present at a high quality national meeting involving leaders in their field. We have a wonderful line up of local and international speakers presenting the latest data from a variety of research areas concerned with reproduction, including basic, clinical and agricultural sectors, and highlighting both central and peripheral organ systems. In addition to the line up below, student and early career speakers will have the opportunity to be selected for short talks from submitted abstracts. There will be an opportunity for discussion and networking with a poster evening and refreshments in between sessions.
Confirmed Speakers:
Plenary: Professor Ursula Kaiser (Harvard Medical School, USA)
Gametogenesis, steroidogenesis & gonadal steroid actions
Dr Kirsty Walters (University of New South Wales, Australia)
Prof Eileen McLaughlin (University of
A/Prof Robert Gilchrist (University of New South Wales, Australia)
Fertilisation, fertility & infertility disorders
A/Prof Greg Anderson (University of Otago)
A/ Prof Mark Baker
(University of Newcastle, Australia)
Dr Jenny Juengel (AgResearch, New Zealand)
Dr Rebecca
Campbell (University of
Prof Ray
Rodgers (University of Adelaide)
Dr Michael
Pankhurst (University of Otago)
Implantation, pregnancy & embryogenesis
Dr Lynsey Cree (University of Auckland)
Dr Erin Macaulay (University of Otago)
Prof Dave
Grattan (University of Otago)
Prof Cynthia Farquar (University of Auckland)
A/Prof Mike Legge
(University of Otago)
Prof Gareth Jones (University of Otago)
The future of fertility: New technology, applications and ideas
Prof Andrew Shelling (University of Auckland)
Prof Antoni
Duleba (University of California, San Diego, USA)
Deborah Gook (University of
Melbourne, Melbourne IVF)