Funding & Infrastructure Summit
NEW FOR 2019 Summit meetings are new for 2019 and are and effort to to take advantage of the fact that many New Zealand researchers will be in Queenstown and to use this opportunity to try to come to consensus and solutions to major issues facing the research system. These will run on Saturday 31st August just before the main meetings start. We encourage scientists from all levels to attend.
National Health and Medical Research Infrastructure and Research Funding Summit
Click here to download the programme
A forum for health and medical researchers from across the country to hear and respond to what our invited influencers and decision makers have to say about the big issues that are impacting the sector including: consumer engagement; government and commercial investment in health research; and the ongoing work to implement the New Zealand Health Research Strategy 2017 – 2021 and the resulting Prioritisation Framework for New Zealand Health Research. New Zealanders for Health Research - New Zealand’s peak body representing the entire health and medical research pipeline – will be there to ensure that the forum’s outcomes are identified and represented to government and other appropriate agencies.
Saturday Summits Combined Dinner - Te Whanaketanga Pūtaiao Māori Summit & Health Research Infrastructure Summits
Saturday 31st August, Blue Kanu
All welcome to attend, email [email protected] if you are already registered and wish to add a ticket.
Delegate or accompanying guest ticket: $59
Supported by