Te Whanaketanga Pūtaiao Māori
Te Whanaketanga Pūtaiao Māori Summit
Te Wiki Rangahau ki Tahuna
Saturday 30st August 2020, Rydges Hotel, Queenstown
Convenors: Katrina Bevan (MWC), Phil Wilcox (University of Otago).
Click here to download last years programme
Click here to download last years TWP Booklet
This one-day workshop highlights the increasing presence of Māori in contemporary rangahau pūtaiao (scientific research) and provides examples of the scope of activities and associated Te Ao-Māori centred issues. Presenters will include iwi representatives, kairangahau (researchers), and Māori bioethicists, with a particular focus on genomics-informed health research and use of genomic data.
The meeting is an opportunity for scientists to present their research that provides examples of associated Te Ao-Māori centred issues to the wider community. Consultative approaches, innovative uses, and applied science solutions will be explored with a particular focus on genomics-informed health research and use of genomic data. Presentations could also focus on research design, (tikanga, practices, resolution, consultation process).
Last years speakers at QRW Puutaiao Maaori Summit:
- Irene Kereama Royal
- Karaitiana Taiuru
- Prof. Peter Shepherd (University of Auckland)
- Katrina Bevan
- Phil Wilcox (Genomics Aotearoa)
- Ben Te Aika (Genomics Aotearoa)
- Kimiora Henare (University of Auckland)
- Manu Caddie (Hikurangi Enterprises)
- Marcelle Noble (Regen, Queenstown)
- Owen Pomana (Regen, Auckland)
Click here
to view the Speakers Profiles
Te Whanaketanga Puutaiao Maaori Summit Facebook page:
Saturday Summits Combined Dinner - Te Whanaketanga Pūtaiao Māori Summit & Health Research Infrastructure Summits
Saturday 31st August, Blue Kanu
All welcome to attend, email [email protected] if you are already registered and wish to add a ticket.
Delegate or accompanying guest ticket: $59
**Limited edition, custom made Hoodies and Fleece
Be one of the first to purchase and be seen in one of our custom made limited edition Puutaiao Maaori Summit memorabilia for Queenstown Research Week 2019.
You will stand out in an on-trend hoodie made of thick high quality material, in a longline style for extra length and comfort together with a high quality embroidery of the TWP logo on the lower back.
Make a statement and add this to your QRW collection.
Available in sizes xtra small to 3XL,
Colours: White, Grey Marle, and Black
(subject to stock availability)
Available online for a limited time only. Friday 2 August to 19 August 4pm.
Click here to place an order
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