Tatai Oranga 2019

Tātai Oranga: Joining forces to tackle metabolic diseases

The 2019 version of this meeting will be held at Korou Kore Marae at Ahipara on Sat 9 March and at Te Hiku te Ika Marae on Sunday March 10

This meeting will combine the expertise of the community, clinicians and scientists seeking to tackle the epidemic of metabolic diseases, type-2 diabetes, kidney and heart disease and gout with a particular focus on the impact these diseases are having on Māori and Pacific communities. It will discuss issues such as how genetic research can help understand how to develop better prevention and treatment strategies for Māori and Pacific and how Māori and Pacific researchers can play increasing roles in this research.

Our international guest is Dr Giles Yeo from Cambridge University researching the genetics of metabolic diseases and who is also a presenter on the renowned BBC TV show “Trust Me I’m a Doctor”. http://www.mrl.ims.cam.ac.uk/research/principal-investigators/giles-yeo/

This years meeting is being co-ordinated by the Moko Foundation and the Maurice Wilkins Centre

Register at https://dinamics.eventsair.com/tatai-oranga---kaitaia-march-2019/register

Image of last years Tatai Oranga meeting at Te Iretekura marae at Waipiro bay below.

Tatai Oranga Group Photo 2

Key Dates:
1 May 2015
Early Bird Registration Open
1 Aug 2015
Registration Close
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